Brazil Police Department - Keeping an eye on the Cruise In

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
IVY JACOBS PHOTO - Brazil Police Department was present at Saturday's Cruize-In.

Times Staff Report

The trouble or “ballyhoo” connected with the cruise-in is that the ‘event’ is busy, with a lot of people and a lot of vehicles.

Law enforcement is watching the event to ensure the safety of everyone.

However, there are rude, inconsiderate drivers (speeding, burnouts, revving up engines/backfires, diesel smoke) and many obnoxious bystanders (encouraging bad behavior).

Described as “miscreants,” these individuals appear to enjoy ruining it for everyone else, much like what happened with the Scheid Diesel events in Terre Haute years ago.

Officers were very visible at the event, actively stopping vehicles from obeying the laws.

While some people yelled at the cops for “ruining the fun,” many others were grateful for the Brazil Police Department, Indiana State Police, and other agencies in town.

Many people in the crowds applauded, yelling, “Go get them!” at the police for capturing mischievous drivers attempting to avoid local law enforcement.

There was an accident during the Cruise-In.

Around 8:15 p.m., the Clay County 911 Dispatch was notified of a vehicle accident at National Avenue and Murphy Avenue; Brazil Police, Fire, and STAR responded to what was determined to be a single-vehicle accident.

A Harmony male, 41, had crashed his motorcycle while traveling west on National Ave. Witnesses at the scene said it looked like the motorcycle lost control and crashed.

The male complained of leg pain and was transported to the hospital for Treatment.

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  • Love the police being there and are much needed! It adds to the total enjoyment for me. Maybe I shouldn't think like this but I enjoy watching the police pull people over that are getting to carried away. Most of the people I was around were rooting for the police.

    -- Posted by flaggpurdy on Tue, May 14, 2024, at 12:04 PM
  • Some people take it upon themselves to ruin it for everyone. They keep this stuff up and there won’t be any more Cruisin. There always seems to be “life’s other side” at functions that just take over events!

    -- Posted by beachbunny on Tue, May 14, 2024, at 1:22 PM
  • this is a wonderful event. I think our local police did a good job controling the scene. lets continue to have fun in the future and make this a safe event for everyone.

    -- Posted by KATHRYN HUTCHESON on Tue, May 14, 2024, at 5:18 PM
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