SENIOR SPOTLIGHT - Northview Samantha Hendricks

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Samantha Hendricks

By Samantha Hendricks

Newsroom Intern

Everyone told me that my senior year would fly by, but I didn’t realize how true that statement was until now. With my high school graduation in a few days, I have begun to reflect on this school year.

Since spring break of my junior year, I knew that I would be interning at the Brazil Times as part of my senior year class schedule. However, I wasn’t prepared for what that experience would bring me.

The ten months that I have spent at the Brazil Times have given me many skills and opportunities that I had never even thought of. Instead of simply writing articles every now and then, I have been able to cover special stories in the community, help out with different Brazil Times projects, and even have my own articles covering Clay County seniors.

This experience has given me a new insight into my own senior class, as well as the opportunity to give the surrounding community the same chance.

Through my experience at the Times, I’ve met amazing people and gotten to play an active part in my community. I’ve gained a greater understanding of the people around me and have been able to use my time to do something that matters. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity, and I know that I will take what I have learned here and use it throughout my life.

I would also like to thank anyone who took the time to read my articles or say something to me about them. It has meant so much to me to know that my stories are being enjoyed and bringing people together.

With that being said, here is the last “Senior Spotlight” article – mine.

I have attended Northview for all four years of high school, and it has made my high school years a memorable experience. I am involved in FCA, Interact Club, Varsity Club, Spirit Club, and Big Brother Big Sister. I am also President of National Honors Society, captain of the girls tennis team, and manager of the boys tennis team.

Outside of school, I enjoy baking, reading, watching basketball, and spending time with my friends and family.

In the fall, I will attend Indiana State University to double major in Criminology & Criminal Justice and Intelligence Analysis. Throughout middle school and high school, I have never really known what I wanted to do – I’ve had so many different interests and passions that it was hard to narrow it down into one field. Then, I was introduced to criminology.

In my junior year speech class, I had to write a speech on the Columbine High School shooting. I couldn’t imagine how someone could do such a terrible thing, and I started researching the ‘why’ behind the action. I became interested in learning why people did these things and how we can use this to prevent actions like this in the future.

As for choosing ISU, I went on a Criminology Preview Day there in September of my senior year. I went mostly to make sure that criminology was what I wanted to pursue, but I left seeing a path for myself at ISU, something I had never experienced before. It was there that I was introduced to their Intelligence Analysis major as well, and I knew that that was what I wanted to do.

My proudest accomplishment would have to be my academic performance. I am valedictorian of my class, and I was also awarded the full-tuition University Honors Scholarship from Indiana State University.

I am also extremely proud of my internship at the Brazil Times. I have enjoyed being able to make an impact on my community, and not every high schooler can say that they write for the newspaper.

One of my favorite parts of high school has been attending the basketball games. I absolutely love watching basketball, and it has been so fun to watch my friends play. It doesn’t matter if I’m watching with my family or cheering in the student section - I just love it.

One of my favorite memories from high school is winning boys basketball sectionals. Northview won sectionals in both my freshman and senior year, so it was like a full-circle moment for me.

Another one of my favorite memories was the unified basketball game that Varsity Club put on in January. I loved being a helper, and it was incredible to see how many people came and supported the students.

My role model has always been my mom. She is the most amazing person, and I don’t know what I would do without her. I love to brag about her, and I want to be like her in nearly everything I do. She is so loving, forgiving, and supportive.

At some point in my life, I would love to travel. I have always had a passion for traveling and seeing new places. I have a whole list of places I want to see, but the first is Italy. I can’t wait to travel there and see all it has to offer, and I hope to be able to study abroad there in college.

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