GOOD NEWS Seth’s Journey

Friday, July 26, 2024
Seth Bayles

An “invisible illness” is a rare health condition that isn’t outwardly visible but can limit or challenge a person in some way.

But looks can be deceiving.

The crowd gathered at Benwood Mt. Lebanon Church, 945 East County Road 1200 North, learned about one young man and his family’s fascinating journey to be “stronger together” on Sunday.

Seth Bayles is a unique young man who enjoys a Christian life of God-given opportunities while fighting a losing battle.

A Struggle to diagnose

After two years of testing and misdiagnoses, Seth was 10 years old when doctors finally determined what was wrong: A rare autoimmune disease was destroying his organs on the inside of his body, and there was no cure.


The Bayles family turned the pain of the struggle to search for answers about this mysterious disease over to God. Seth believed in the opportunities this would bring him more than the potential pain and the heartbreak to come.

“Pop Tab Kid”

In 2009, Seth and his family found themselves at the Ronald McDonald House while he was treated at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The family welcomed the comfort, support, and hope the volunteers, staff members, and the facility provided to allow them to stay close.


“While our family was staying at the house, we noticed people coming into the lobby dropping off pop tabs. Seth, being the kind-hearted kid he is, got the idea that this was something he could do,” said Seth’s mom, Julie Bayles. “I didn’t know those pop tabs from cans could be so important before that.”

Julie said Seth knew he could tell others about the importance of collecting the pop tabs. 

“Little did we know the opportunities it would bring to Seth,” said Julie, who recently authored the book “We ARE Stronger Together!”

The Bayless family

The “Pop Tabs” is an ongoing fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House. It accepts tabs, stores them in a designated area, and then cashes them in at a local recycler. The money offsets the expense of running the Ronald McDonald House.

Seth involved his community, delivering hundreds of pounds of pop tabs to the house. He set a higher goal and exceeded it in two months, delivering more than a million pop tabs. 

Seth said anyone of any age call pull a tab off a pop can and rally around the effort.

Seth’s enthusiasm quickly made him the face of the Ronald McDonald House pop tab fundraiser.

IF There Is A Need, There IS A Way

Seth has brought his love of God, enthusiasm, and joy to many fundraising projects and has supported others struggling with disabilities.

According to Julie, an example of Seth’s incredible journey is his impact on meeting and connecting with everyone.

Seth has participated in marathons, with the help of volunteers who pushed him in a special running chair during the race.

Seth admitted it can be scary, “It’s like you’re flying. They go fast.”

Popsicles and humor

“About seven years ago, Seth began using a feeding tube,” said Julie about her son’s optimism and her family’s spirit and humor. “There was this tasting event.”

Seth interrupted her to explain he was on a special tour with others who were trying vintage foods from the past, one of which was a lime green Jello salad with some odd ingredients.

“It had mayonnaise and olives in it. It was gross,” Seth said with a hearty laugh. “It did not look good.”

“Yeah,” Julie said with an infectious laugh. “My son told me he was grateful for his feeding tube. It kept him from eating that jello.” 


Seth is a normal young man who loves sports—go Pirates and Green Bay—the outdoors, spending time with his six siblings and family, enjoying pets, being patriotic, and the splendor of fireworks. He is shy and soft-spoken at first, but when Seth smiles, you can feel the joy he resonates with for life and others. Seth is passionate about taking advantage of every opportunity God grants him.

But there are tough days, but Julie says Seth never complains.

“Looks Can be Deceiving,” -Written by Julie Bayles of Seth’s Journey

Look fine

Not fine

Destruction on the inside

Organs failing

Life altering

No cure

Invisible disability

Put on a brave face

Put up a good fight

A censorious stranger yells from afar

“Why are you parking in a handicapped spot?!

Too Lazy to walk? You should be ashamed!”

Words sting

Looks of disgust cut deep

I long to tell you his story

But you turn away


Unaware of the suffering

If only You could feel my son’s





If only you could walk a day in his shoes–

But God…








In Him

The broken are made whole

The weary are refreshed

The weak are made strong

Hope is restored

In Him we will

Extend grace


Help others

Exercise compassion

Exemplify joy

Show kindness



God has a plan

Invisible disease

Not Invisible to God

Log onto Facebook to learn more and keep up with Seth’s Journey.

“We ARE Stronger Together!” is available online, in bookstores, and at book signing events.

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